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Assembly Source File
540 lines
title MSDOS dependent functions
name msasm
comment %
T. Jennings
13 Oct 87
(k) all rights reversed
These are support routines for Puppy that are
currently implemented in MSDOS MASM.EXE assembler.
Most of them are pretty simple; some are annoying.
Some, such as time & date, you can dummy for systems
that dont support those functions, like CP/M; best to
return a 0 or something rather than remove the code;
if you ever get a clock/calendar you can add it later.
Some are arbitrary 8086isms; byte order in longs. Motorola
people will just have to shut up and implement! :-)
And some are just because when you invoke some supposedly
simple thing like read() or open() the stupid library
drags a whole bag of shit with it. There is a very simple
but effective Level 1 File I/O set of calls here.
handle= open(pathname,access);
int handle,access;
char *pathname;
Open a file. handle returns either
the DOS handle, or -1 if error (file not
found). Access is: 0 == read only, 1 == write
only, 2 == read/write.
handle= creat(pathname,access);
Create a new file, delete any existing
copy. Access is not used: use 0. Returns the
handle or -1 if error.
v= read(handle,buffer,count);
v= write(handle,buffer,count);
int v,handle,count;
char *buffer;
File read or write to an opened or
created file. reads or writes 'count' bytes
to the file 'handle', to or from 'buffer'.
Returns the number of bytes processed: equal
to 'count' if sucessful.
error= close(handle)
int error;
Close an open file. Returns -1 if
error. Any buffers are flushed at this point.
pos= lseek(handle,distance,flag);
long pos; new position, else -1
int handle;
long distance; displacement
int flag; 0 == from BOF,
1 == from current,
2 == from EOF,
Seek to a position within a file.
Get the time & date from the system, store
in the provided array. Unsupported items
should be returned as 0's.
See PUPPY.H for the definition of 'time';
its just 6 bytes to hold it.
struct _time *time;
GET and SET MSDOS file creation times of the open
file handle. If not supported, GET a 0 and
make SET do nothing.
SET is done just before the file is closed.
_ftime(1,handle,timedate) set time/date
_ftime(0,handle,timedate) get time/date
char *timedate;
int handle;
val= _ioctl(func,handle,data,dummy)
val= _ioctl(func,handle,buff,count)
int val; ret value or flag
int func,handle,dummy,count;
char *buff;
This is the MSDOS ioctl() function, used only
to support the function badname(), in MS-C.C. The
description below is only for informational
purposes; if not MSDOS, just dont implement any
of it. Refer to badname().
RETURN: See below
VAL returns as -1 if any error.
IOCTL get/set device information. The
args and return values depend on the
func == 0 get
func == 1 set
Get or set device info on (handle).
0x80 Is a device (else file)
0x01 Console input
0x02 Console out
0x04 Null device
0x08 Clock device
0x10 Special (fast) device
0x20 Raw mode
0x40 EOF on input
0x4000 Accepts control strings
func == 2 read
func == 3 write
Read or write (count) bytes from
the control channel.
func == 4 read
func == 5 write
Same as 2,3, except (handle) is drive
number; 0 == default, 1 == A:, etc.
func == 6 input status
func == 7 output status
if (handle) is a device, returns 0 if
not ready, else non-zero if device is
ready. For files, output always ready,
input always ready until EOF hit.
Search for file first/next function.
found= _find(pathname,n,&xfbuf);
int n;
char *pathname;
struct _xfbuf *xfbuf;
The structure xfbuf holds search information
inbetween calls to _find(); MSDOS, unlike CP/M,
allows other file operations between successive
_find() calls. It is absolutely necessary to
support this. The CP/M implementation of a
Unix level 1 file system (CPMFILES.C) supports
This function returns 0 if there is no (more)
matching filenames.
pathname is the pathname to search for; it may
contain wildcards and drive specs.
N indicates first or "next" searches; it is
0 for the first time. For systems like CP/M you
should build a list of all matching files and
return the first, if any. Each successive call
will return N + 1, ie. 1 2 3 ... N. You
can use this to index the table built when N
was 0.
xfbuf is the address of the structure used to
hold information to perform the search. The
contents are preserved in between calls, so
you can store anything you want in it. It is
completely uninitialized space, so you should
init it during the N == 0 pass.
title XMODEM CRC Algorithm 8086 / Lattice C Compiler
I did not write this. I dont know who did. I munged an 8080
M80 source into 8086 MASM.
CLRCRC - A call to this entry resets the CRC accumulator.
It must be called at the start of each message.
Entry Parameters: None.
Exit Conditions: CRC accumulator cleared.
char c;
UPDCRC - A call to this entry updates the CRC accumulator.
It must be called once for each byte in the
message for which the CRC is being calculated.
Entry Parameters: a byte to be included
in the CRC calculation.
Exit Conditions: CRC accumulator updated.
crc= fincrc();
unsigned crc;
FINCRC - A call to this entry finishes the CRC calculation
for a message which is to be TRANSMITTED. It must
be called after the last byte of the message has
been passed thru UPDCRC. It returns the calculated
CRC bytes, which must be transmitted as the final
two bytes of the message.
Note that this returns a single 16 bit value;
if transmitting bytes, it must be transmitted
upper half first then lower half:
output (crc >> 8);
output (crc);
Entry Parameters: None.
Exit Conditions: calculated CRC bytes.
error= chkcrc();
int error;
CHKCRC - A call to this routine checks the CRC bytes of
a RECEIVED message and returns a code to indicate
whether the message was received correctly. It must
be called after the message AND the two CRC bytes
have been received AND passed thru UPDCRC.
Entry Parameters: None.
Exit Conditions: 0 if message ok.
non-zero if message garbled.
end of comment ------> %
;Define a (paranoid) near function.
func macro procname
public procname
procname proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
;Close a function declaration.
endf macro procname
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
procname endp
;Define the args on the stack.
arg0 equ [bp+4]
arg1 equ [bp+6]
arg2 equ [bp+8]
arg3 equ [bp+10]
arg4 equ [bp+12]
arg5 equ [bp+14]
arg6 equ [bp+16]
arg7 equ [bp+18]
arg8 equ [bp+20]
;dgroup just generates a runtime accessible
;constant 'dataseg' so that drivers and other
;such oddities can set DS: to access data
;during interrupt service routines.
dgroup group data
data segment byte public 'data'
assume ds:dgroup
public dataseg
dataseg dw dgroup ;so drivers can find it
data ends
pgroup group prog ;MASM mumbo jumbo
prog segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:pgroup
;Return one of the time or date components.
;Returns -1 if bad arg.
func gtod
mov ah,2ah
int 21h ;get date
mov bx,arg0
sub cx,1900 ;remove offset
mov [bx],cl ;year
mov [bx + 1],dh ;month
mov [bx + 2],dl ;day
push bx
mov ah,2ch
int 21h ;get time
pop bx
mov [bx + 3],ch ;hour
mov [bx + 4],cl ;minute
mov [bx + 5],dh ;second
endf gtod
;Convert a long to a character array.
func _ltoc
mov di,arg2
mov ax,arg0 ;LSW,
mov ax,arg1 ;MSW
endf _ltoc
;Convert a character array to a long.
func _ctol
mov si,arg0
lodsw ;get LSW,
mov bx,ax ;MSW to AX,
lodsw ;return AX:BX.
endf _ctol
;Get and set File times.
func _ftime
mov al,arg0 ;1=set, 0=get,
and al,1
mov bx,arg1 ;file handle,
mov si,arg2 ;ptr to array,
mov cx,[si] ;CX= time,
mov dx,[si+2] ;DX= date,
push si
mov ah,87
int 33
pop si
test byte ptr arg0,1 ;if get time,
jnz _ft1
mov [si],cx ;return time,
mov [si+2],dx ;return date,
endf _ftime
;Perform IOCTL() functions.
func _ioctl
mov al,arg0 ;func
mov bx,arg1 ;handle
mov dx,arg2 ;data/buff
mov cx,arg3 ;dummy/count
mov ah,68
int 33
jnc _io1 ;if error,
mov ax,-1 ;return -1
jmp short _ioz
_io1: cmp word ptr arg0,2 ;functions 0,1
jae _io2 ;return from DX
mov ax,dx
jmp short _ioz
_io2: cmp word ptr arg0,6 ;functions 2-5
jb _ioz ;return from AX
mov ah,0 ;6,7 from AL
endf _ioctl
;Do search first/next.
func _find
mov dx,arg2 ;XFBUF ptr,
mov bx,dx
mov ah,26 ;set DMA addr
int 21h ;to buffer,
mov cx,0 ;CX == attrib
mov dx,arg0 ;pathname
mov ax,arg1 ;iteration flag
or ax,ax
jz f0
mov al,1 ;make 0,1
f0: mov ah,78 ;search first
cmp al,0 ;if AL == 0,
je f1
mov ah,79 ;else search next
f1: int 21h ;DOS call,
mov ax,-1 ;make 0 == not found
adc ax,0
endf _find
;Our very own little bit of data space.
crc dw 0 ;in CS space
;Initialize the CRC.
func clrcrc
mov cs:crc,0
endf clrcrc
;Update the CRC with the new byte. The method used is
;the CCITT polynomial:
; x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1
;An alternate method often used in synchronous
;protocols is:
; x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1
;Which can be generated by changing the XOR pattern
;from 1021 hex to 8005 hex.
func updcrc
mov bx,cs:crc ;BX == CRC a reg for speed,
mov cx,8 ;CX == bits in a byte,
mov ax,arg0 ;AL == msg byte,
u1: rcl al,1 ;MSB -> carry,
rcl bx,1 ; -> CRC LSB,
jnc u2
xor bx,1021h
u2: loop u1
mov cs:crc,bx
endf updcrc
;Finish off the CRC.
func fincrc
xor ax,ax ;do two zeros
push ax
call updcrc
call updcrc
pop ax
mov ax,cs:crc ;return finished CRC
endf fincrc
;Check the calculated CRC. Return 0 if OK.
func chkcrc
mov ax,cs:crc
endf chkcrc
;File functions
func open
mov ah,61
call opncrt
endf open
func creat
mov ah,60
call opncrt
endf creat
mov dx,arg0 ;pathname,
mov al,arg1 ;access,
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
int 21h ;do it,
jnc opncrt1
mov ax,-1 ;error!
;Close a file
func close
mov ah,62
mov bx,arg0 ;handle,
int 21h
endf close
;File read & write
func read
mov ah,63
call rdwrt
endf read
func write
mov ah,64
call rdwrt
endf write
rdwrt: mov bx,arg0 ;handle,
mov dx,arg1 ;buffer,
mov cx,arg2 ;count,
int 21h
;File seek
func lseek
mov bx,arg0 ;BX == handle,
mov dx,arg1 ;CX:DX == disp,
mov cx,arg2
mov ah,42h
mov al,arg3 ;unless error,
int 21h ;DX:AX == pos,
mov bx,ax
mov ax,dx
jnc _x1
mov ax,-1
mov bx,-1
endf lseek
prog ends